Undomondo Discover Weekly, Week 17
Hey all, still under quarantine but we’re holding on..
Here’s the new edition of Undomondo Discover Weekly for week 17.
I just realised this week’s edition has UK artists after one another, while writing this blurb. This week things are a bit trippier then last week, starting off with the opener from UK Bass & Dubstep mainstay Addison Groove’s new LP, which is fantastic in its own right.
The next one is a fantastic collaboration by UK’s Tom Misch & drummer Yussef Dayes featuring the coolest gangsta Freddie Gibbs whose collabs with Madlib are what’s all about in hip-hop these days. We keep it funky and segue into SAULT’s 7 which is a modern take on ESG and was 2019’s most pleasant surprises. Next comes new material from The Heliocentrics and Bristol’s Tara Clerkin Trio. Nicolas Jaar’s new album Cenizas, which is new grounds for the New Yorker is an interlude before we check out another British artist Keeley Forsyth, and Portland Oregon’s Alexandra Savior.
The next bit features a reissue from defunct 80’s Russian wave/electropop/experimental artists Nochnoi Prospekt; 2 short piano pieces; first from Nils Frahms’ Empty and the second from Hania Rani and we move right into a fantastic jazz album by Danishman Jasper Høiby.. this might just end on our end of year list.
Wrapping things up by an overlooked album from 2016, by Lisbon based guitarist Bruno Pernades, which is a very proggy and flamboyant album with impeccable musicianship, the closer is a very light and airy prog/folk tune by Japan’s amazing Kikagaku Moyu.
Enjoy and keep sane!